Aanleg en plaatsen gas- en oliepijpleiding
Denys bouwt 250 km pijpleiding in Tsjaad in opdracht van de Canadese Maatschappij CARACAL Energy.
Pipelines of the Mangara amp; Badila Field Development constructed in 2013 include the following:
- Approximately six (6) off, DN150, oil field flow lines connecting field wells to Gathering Stations at Mangara and Badila
- Two (2) off DN300, Trunk Lines from the Satellite Stations, one each to the Central Production Facility (CPF) and Griffiths Sales Terminal (GST)
- DN300, 97.3km, Wet Oil Pipeline between the CPF to the GST
- DN150, 97.4km, Fuel Gas Pipeline between the CPF to the GS
- DN300, 15.6km, Sales Oil Pipeline connecting the GST to the Chad-Cameroon Pipeline